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Band Profile

Band Info

Band photo for The Delta Jazz Band with Colin Bowden

When Sammy Morris and Ben Marshall got together their conversation often turned to their early years as founder members of the Crane River Jazz Band and to the poaaibility of forming a regular band, which would follow the path laid down all those years ago. In 1989 Sonny and Ben acheived their aim to make music in the spirit of the recordings made by New Orleans musicians during the 1940's, 50's, and 60's, with the emphasis on ensemble playing and were helped to launch the Delta Jazz Band by Bob Ward, Terry Giles, Colin Bowden and John Sirett. On the 13th February 2000 Sonny died. We thank him for the beautiful music he performed and luckily recorded during his long musical career; his legacy for us to enjoy in future years.

Band Members

Instrument thumbnail for Trumpet


Tony O’Sullivan – Trumpet. Tony is a self-taught musician who began playing at school, then c...

Instrument thumbnail for Trombone


George (Kid) Tidiman - Trombone and vocals – George is no newcomer to Colchester Jazz Club, he...

Instrument thumbnail for Banjo


Andy was born in Marden, Kent in 1946. He comes from a musical family; mother played paino and f...

Instrument thumbnail for Clarinet


Terry was born in Kensington, London in 1941 and was fortunate to have a musical father who encou...

Instrument thumbnail for Double Bass

(Double Bass)

John was born in Ilford, Essex in 1948. He started playing banjo but switched to double bass sho...

Instrument thumbnail for Drums


Colin was born in Hampstead Heath, London in 1932 and now lives in Suffolk. He remembers at the ...

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