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Musician Profile

Band Info

Pete is an excellent banjo and guitar player, is a real asset to the band being able to turn his hand, or should be voice, to many vocals. His knowledge of the music, his wide knowledge of chord sequences, and in particular his desire to get them right, makes him an extremely valuable member of the band. Pete came to the jazz via a more ‘popular commercial’ band and has backed many show business personalities including Bruce Forsyth, Joan Turner and Ronnie Caroll. He fronts the rhythm section with Mike Barry’s New Uptown Gang and Savoy Jazzmen.

Groups Played For (at CJC)

Group photo for Pete Baker's Half Dozen
(Banjo and Guitar)
Group photo for Rex O'Dell's All Stars
(Banjo and Guitar)
Group photo for Barry Palser's Savoy Jazz
(Banjo and Guitar)
Group photo for Yerba Buena Celebration Band
(Banjo and Guitar)
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